Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Winning the Platforms Race: Essentials of a cohesive digital platform


The power and potential of the platform is widely acknowledged. According to an Accenture Technology Vision 2016 survey, 84 percent of Australian executives agree that platform-based business models will become a part of their organization’s core growth strategy within three years--higher than global results (37 percent) and Japan (23 percent), and on par with China.

More than 4 out of 10 (43 percent) of Australian executives believe that adopting a platform-based business model and engaging in ecosystems of digital partners are critical to the success of their business. With industries leading the charge on digital platforms, leaders from all areas of the business are involving themselves in platform strategies and priorities.

Framing the discussion around digital platforms often begins with a few questions:

  • What capabilities does my digital platform need to have?
  • How do I run my legacy IT systems and infrastructure in parallel to my next-generation digital platform?
  • How do we build a platform in a progressive, agile and iterative manner to handle future developments in business models?
  • How do I leverage my existing slate and build a platform strategy with little incremental capex?

These questions can be addressed through the five zones of a digital platform. These zones avoid the common challenge of finding new capital by working progressively within an organization’s existing investment approach. Just like platforms themselves, the zones build upon each other and feed additional innovations and developments. All are essential to a digital platform that is capable of driving an organization’s strategy and engaging consumers in sustainable connections.

This Point of View was originally published for Accenture. Read the complete Point of View at https://www.accenture.com/au-en/insight-winning-the-platforms-race